Green gas, renewable energy in a new form

Green gas is the sustainable variant of natural gas. It is made by upgrading biogas to biomethane with the same quality as natural gas. Green gas is produced sustainably, is renewable and can be used for exactly the same applications as natural gas.

Green gas as a moderator between today and tomorrow

Green gas is the energy source par excellence for a smooth transition to a more sustainable energy supply. Where the production of solar and wind energy can vary considerably, the supply of green gas is stable. Green gas can therefore play a crucial role in the energy transition and therefore offer the flexibility that is needed to make the use of renewable energy sources possible. To further realise this, the increasing production of green gas offers a solution.

Green gas with a bright future

Biomethane can be produced and injected from residual streams, via fermentation of organic material. In combination with the existing widely branched gas infrastructure in our country, these economic and ecological benefits provide a huge boost to green gas consumption. Biogas and biomethane are being pushed forward more and more as one of the most promising ways of achieving the climate objectives.

From biogas to green gas.

Biogas is produced from, among other things, sludge, garden waste, vegetable and fruit residues and animal residual products such as manure. This biomass is fermented or gasified in a heated, airtight tank. Bacteria convert the carbon into a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide - the so-called biogas. The biogas is then purified into biomethane and brought to the same quality as natural gas. This mainly removes carbon dioxide, sulphur and moisture from the biogas. After these operations, the gas can be called "green gas" and is considered a sustainable alternative to traditional natural gas.

Green gas in the gas network.

Almost all energy suppliers can supply green gas. Green grass is fed into the public gas network and can be used by anyone who has a gas connection. Because green gas has the same properties as natural gas, appliances do not need to be adjusted. With green gas, consumers can therefore continue to heat and cook as normal.

Just as safe as natural gas.

Green gas is just as safe as natural gas. Network operators set strict requirements for the quality of the gas that is fed into the public gas network. Due to the quality controls of the network operators, the green gas that flows through the gas network is clean and safe.

For safety, an odorant is also added to green gas, so that it has the same typical gas smell as natural gas.