Welcome to greengasregister.be

The Green Gas Register helps to advance the production and sale of green gas.

The green gas register was established to promote and simplify the trade in green gas. The origin of the gas is guaranteed on the basis of official Green Gas Certificates. This allows organisations to demonstrate that the green gas that they produce, process, trade or use meets the international sustainability criteria.

In Flanders, the register will no longer certify green gas as from the 1st of January 2020. For this region, we refer from now on to the system for guarantees of origin set up by the VREG.

Gas plays a crucial role as transition energy to make up for the shortage of renewable energy. Shine a light on it

Watch the video and get clear answers to questions such as: 

  • What is the role of gas in the energy mix of today and tomorrow? 
  • What is renewable gas?
  • What are the possibilities of biogas?